VOXRAD is a radiology report transcription application, allowing users to leverage ASR and LLM models for this. We're excited to share it with you under the GPLv3 license, which means it's free and open-source.
What does GPLv3 mean? In simple terms, GPLv3 is a license that allows you to:
Use VOXRAD for free, without paying any fees
Modify the code to suit your needs
Share it with others, as long as you share it under the same license
Key things to know:
Free: VOXRAD is free to use, modify, and share
Open-source: The code is publicly available for anyone to see and contribute to
Community-driven: We encourage contributions and feedback from users like you!
What you cannot do:
Redistribute modified versions without sharing the source code: If you modify VOXRAD, you must make the modified source code available to others under the same GPLv3 license.
Use VOXRAD in proprietary software: If you want to use VOXRAD in your own software, your software must also be open-source and licensed under GPLv3.
Impose additional restrictions: You cannot add additional restrictions or requirements on top of the GPLv3 license.
Create derivative works with the same name: If you create a modified version of VOXRAD, you must use a different name and give proper credit to the original authors. This ensures that others can easily distinguish between the original VOXRAD and your modified version.
If you use VOXRAD or create a derivative work, please give proper credit to the original authors by:
Mentioning VOXRAD as the original work
Providing a link to the original VOXRAD repository
Clearly indicating any modifications or changes made
Cite VoxRad paper in your publications.
Why GPLv3?
We chose GPLv3 because we believe in the power of open-source software. We want VOXRAD to be accessible to everyone, and for the community to be able to improve and adapt it to their needs. You can read the detailed license conditions here.
Third-Party Libraries:
This application uses FFmpeg, which is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later. For more details, please refer to the documentation in the repository.
Last updated